Monday, April 5

Nothing better than candy and women, Will Cotton

William Cotton is an American painter born in 1965, Melrose, Massachusetts. His primary subjects are candy and women, often sensually combined. His paintings shows baked goods such as a gingerbread house, cakes, waffles and candy that he bakes himself in a professional oven at his NY studio. Visit his website at

"It is a vice. I do love sugar. But I used to have other vices too. I think the other vices have just fallen by the wayside, and sugar has stepped up a little bit to take their place."- Cotton.

"In the beginning, I was looking at ad icons as a metaphor for pleasure and desire. Something that would be really universal. There's something about sweets and sugar that makes most people's eyes light up a little bit, or at least understand that it's about a kind of desire that has no place in terms of necessity. So it's just for pleasure, and that's what I was after. I wanted to make a whole place that's just about pleasure." - Cotton. Read the full interview at

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